Thursday, July 30, 2009

Switch Gas Supplier - How to Maximize Your Savings

To switch gas supplier can be a great way to save money on your bills especially if you have been with the same supplier for years. However, there are a few things to do to maximize your savings.

Generally speaking it isn't a good idea to change gas provider shortly after one of the suppliers has changed their prices. Usually, if one changes their prices then the others do the same shortly afterward. The last thing you want is to move to a new supplier just before they put heir prices up.

When you want to switch gas supplier and you are asked to enter your current monthly payments or usage you should remember that in most cases your monthly payments are based on estimated bills. What I prefer to do is take a meter reading and give it to my current gas supplier, when they print the next bill I can work out realistically how much I use a month. I would then use this figure so that the amount I pay when I switch gas supplier is based on my actual usage.

Another thing to check before you switch gas supplier is whether you owe your current supplier any money. Because most of us pay based on estimated bills, either our supplier owes us money or more commonly, we owe the supplier money - often several hundred pounds. So rather than saving money you end up with a large bill.

To switch gas supplier can save you money if you follow the steps above. To maximize the savings you make I would always recommend that you use one of the comparison services when before you switch.


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